About Us
Our services are designed to ensure the health, safety, development and well being of the children in our care throughout the year. Our stimulating and friendly environment will encourage the evelopment of each individual child, with respect for everyone. We want the children, parents and staff to develop and flourish in harmony. Parents are the primary caregivers for their child; we rely on close cooperation in order to be able to continue your work.
Social Objectives
Centre Éducatif à Ciel Ouvert also has the following goals:
- Provide quality care to children with special needs (physical or mental disability, family problems, etc…)
- Ensure the harmonious integration of children from immigrant families.
- Meet the different needs of families (training, support, and coaching.).
Our attitudes towards children, our choice of equipment and space planning are fundamental choices we make that define our concept of education. Respect, autonomy, mutual aid, confidentiality, communication and non-violence in a fun, warm and welcoming environment are the values we wish to convey. Any form of physical or verbal abuse will not be tolerated by anyone in the center. Each must respect the other, the rules and regulations in place and the materials and equipment of the Center.
Children need a warm and happy environment to fill their day outside the home. We strive to make the center a home away from home. The main objective of our educators is to give daily attention, love and understanding that each child needs. The physical, emotional and intellectual needs of children are given priority and are considered before those of parents and staff.
Each child is unique; the same performance or behaviour is not required of each child. Each child may then progress at his/her own pace. Freedom of choice and decision that gives children the ability to cope with daily activities is very important because it reinforces their sense of independence. We strongly encourage the independence of the child, giving as much responsibility he/she can assume.
The Center’s director will always make herself available to meet and discuss the specific needs and development of your child. In addition to a program focused on development, children have the opportunity to interact socially with their peers. The atmosphere of the center is such that children learn to respect and love their neighbours. Children have the right to disagree with other children but in no case do they have the right to hurt another or be destructive. However, it is recognized that even in an ideal situation, all children do not behave in an acceptable manner at all times. In our center, physical, verbal or mental discipline is never used. Food is never used as punishment or as a reward. Children need to be directed in a positive way. We criticize the behaviour of the child but not the child. Children are accepted and loved at all times, regardless of their behaviour. Registering your child with us is the beginning of a great relationship.